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Install the companion package to follow along the vignette: install.packages('bossrdata', repos = '', type='source').


The oligo dataset in bossrdata consists of a small 4D array from a region-of-interest in cortex from an adult transgenic mouse expressing EGFP in the cytoplasm of oligodendrocytes (MOBP-EGFP). This same region was imaged at least weekly using two-photon imaging through a cranial window over the course of cuprizone-treatment and recovery.

# Oligo is a 4D array
#>  num [1:300, 1:300, 1:81, 1:4] 0.00391 0.11328 0.03125 0.02344 0.10938 ...

The array functions in bossr are easily parallelizable and detect dimensionality of the input array. The first function in the pipeline, bossr::betamix_img(), produces a threshold for each slice of an array.

n.cores = parallel::detectCores() # detect cores automatically (or can also be set manually)
thr <- bossr::betamix_img(oligo, n.cores = n.cores)

The resulting threshold can be applied with bossr::threshold_img(), which produces a mask.

mask <- bossr::threshold_img(oligo, thr, n.cores = n.cores)

Below, we visualize the results of the masking operation for z=1 and t=1. To the left the original array; to the right the resulting mask.

After thresholding, bossr::median_filtering() is applied to reduce noise in the mask.

mask_filtered <- bossr::median_filtering(mask)

And once the mask has been filtered, bossr::connect_components() will detect individual cells via a connected components algorithm. This operation will result in distinct labels being produced for each cell.

labels <- bossr::connect_components(mask_filtered)

To produce a description of the location and size of each cell, we use bossr::track_components() followed by bossr::post_process_df() to perform imputation of cells across timepoints. These two functions output a data.frame and can be easily piped.

cell_df <- bossr::track_components(labels) |> 
#>   index  size         x         y         z t
#> 1     1  8437 111.86453  98.55517 71.729999 1
#> 2    13 11960 172.40067 275.39574 67.057191 1
#> 3    21 21262  45.96411  74.79179  7.347945 1
#> 4     1  3021  90.51738  97.52996 70.080437 2
#> 5    13  5542 145.61133 270.05720 63.817936 2
#> 6    14   144 274.56944 270.63889 41.395833 2

A summary of how cell counts change over time can be produced with bossr::annotate_df() (see function reference for details on column meanings).

bossr::annotate_df(cell_df, t = 4)
#>   t count added deleted survivor
#> 1 1     3    NA      NA       NA
#> 2 2     5     2       0        3
#> 3 3     2     1       4        1
#> 4 4     2     1       1        1

Then, we can produce a 3D overlay that draws a box around each cells centroid with bossr::make_overlay(): we just need to pick a time point and specify the overlay dimensions.

my_overlay <- bossr::make_overlay(cell_df, dim(oligo), t = 1)

For t = 1 the first cell in cell_df has a centroid at z = 67: to help us examine the correctness of this entry, we can use bossr::plot_overlay() which takes a 3D image, an overlay made by bossr::make_overlay() and chosen slice z. We

bossr::plot_overlay(oligo[,,,1], my_overlay, z = 67)

We see that the centroid is correctly specified for the upper cell. The bottom cell’s centroid is at z = 7 so it won’t show up in this slice.

bossr::plot_overlay(oligo[,,,1], my_overlay, z = 7)